Especially in my eyes. They're red and a bit dry and sore when I blink. Mama kind of freaked out when she saw some yellow mucus discharge from my eyes and took me to the vets. Normally the discharge is white, and normally I don't get a lot of it, but this time around I've got lots of stringy yellow discharge. I hope you weren't eating anything while you just read that!
Anyway, Dr. Surette at the Downtown Animal Hospital told Mama and I that it looks like an eye infection that appears to be caused by some stray eyelashes that are growing from the inside of my eyelid. These stray eyelashes are rubbing my eyeball and causing the discomfort. If it's left untreated, I can get ulcers in my cornea - ew! So he gave me some antibacterial eye drops to clear up the infection. If it gets worse we might need to see a specialist - a veterinary opthamologist! And then do some surgery to correct the eyelid....that sounds pretty $$$$. I hope my insurance covers most of it, otherwise, Mama and Papa might need to get second jobs!
I also have been bad and peeing in the house during the night. I can't seem to hold my bladder for more than 4 hours during the night, so I keep waking up Mama or Papa so they can take me out. Dr. Surette thinks I might have a bladder infection, but won't really know until they do a urine analysis. Which means that Mama has to collect my morning pee in a little dish and transfer it to a little jar and take that to the vets. It's a bit of a messy job, but someone's gotta do it. I know she loves me, so it's okay. I hope it's nothing worse than a bladder infection. I hope it's not a kidney malfunction, or stones, or worse!
The technicians at the vets took some of my blood to find out if there's anything bad in it. It was quite an adventure when they tried taking blood from my neck. Mama panicked quietly because my tongue turned very blue, but she kept saying that I was so brave when they were fishing around inside my neck with a needle. They didn't find the vein and had to try my paw instead. That was more successful. I got two cookies out of that. I think Mama should have gotten something too for being so brave and keeping me company.
I'll keep you posted on my health issues. It kind of sucks that this is all happening now. Mama and Papa are off to Japan in a few weeks, and I don't want to be a bother to Uncle Brian and his family when I stay with them. I hope I get better soon.