Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day

Thank you Gramma and Uncle Al for coming to see me.
I miss them already. It was so much fun for us,
we would sit and eat and talk for hours!
And since Gramma and Uncle Al stayed with us,
Mama and Papa and I slept in our sleeping bags on the floor.
It was like camping all over again!!!
I'm so worn out from all of the fun that
I've slept straight through the past 2 days.
I can't wait to see them again, I love visitors!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas!

Happy holidays to you and to yours!
I wish you the very best for the new year
and I hope that Santa brings you
what you wanted the most this year!!

Auntie Angela and Uncle Andy gave me this
new toy for Christmas. It's kind of a skinny
red squeaky dog thing with a green hat on.
It looks like the Christmas version of my
Halloween one with the pitchfork.
Thank you for the present, I love it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time,
I've been busy hiding under my blanket.
Gramma and Uncle Al are coming to visit me!
Well they probably aren't coming just to see me,
but I'm excited to see them.
Mama's been baking cookies these day,
nothing that I can eat, but maybe you'll be getting
a cookie gift from us for Christmas?
You should hope so, Mama's cookies are yum!
I'm asking Santa for a new bladder for Christmas,
what do you want in your stocking this year?

Friday, December 07, 2007

So Unseasonably Chilly

Boy it's cold outside.
Good thing I get to cuddle on the sofa
under my blanky with my bear.

It's that time of year again,
Christmas time = presents time!
Look, Mama and Papa set up
the Christmas tree. It's so pretty with the lights
and the few decorations we have.
I wonder what I should ask Santa for this year.

I've been a good girl all year long!

Gramma and Uncle Al are coming in two weeks
to visit. I haven't seen Gramma since I was
a baby and Uncle Al for 4 years! I miss them.
I promise to not bite Gramma's toes or take a
big smelly poo near Uncle Al. Maybe they'll
let me cuddle with them this time!
Oh and I forgot to wish Uncle Andy a happy birthday
last Friday. So happy belated birthday!