Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day

Thank you Gramma and Uncle Al for coming to see me.
I miss them already. It was so much fun for us,
we would sit and eat and talk for hours!
And since Gramma and Uncle Al stayed with us,
Mama and Papa and I slept in our sleeping bags on the floor.
It was like camping all over again!!!
I'm so worn out from all of the fun that
I've slept straight through the past 2 days.
I can't wait to see them again, I love visitors!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas!

Happy holidays to you and to yours!
I wish you the very best for the new year
and I hope that Santa brings you
what you wanted the most this year!!

Auntie Angela and Uncle Andy gave me this
new toy for Christmas. It's kind of a skinny
red squeaky dog thing with a green hat on.
It looks like the Christmas version of my
Halloween one with the pitchfork.
Thank you for the present, I love it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time,
I've been busy hiding under my blanket.
Gramma and Uncle Al are coming to visit me!
Well they probably aren't coming just to see me,
but I'm excited to see them.
Mama's been baking cookies these day,
nothing that I can eat, but maybe you'll be getting
a cookie gift from us for Christmas?
You should hope so, Mama's cookies are yum!
I'm asking Santa for a new bladder for Christmas,
what do you want in your stocking this year?

Friday, December 07, 2007

So Unseasonably Chilly

Boy it's cold outside.
Good thing I get to cuddle on the sofa
under my blanky with my bear.

It's that time of year again,
Christmas time = presents time!
Look, Mama and Papa set up
the Christmas tree. It's so pretty with the lights
and the few decorations we have.
I wonder what I should ask Santa for this year.

I've been a good girl all year long!

Gramma and Uncle Al are coming in two weeks
to visit. I haven't seen Gramma since I was
a baby and Uncle Al for 4 years! I miss them.
I promise to not bite Gramma's toes or take a
big smelly poo near Uncle Al. Maybe they'll
let me cuddle with them this time!
Oh and I forgot to wish Uncle Andy a happy birthday
last Friday. So happy belated birthday!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

November Blues

All of a sudden it's November.
And to make it worse, it's almost the end!

I must have slept through most of the month.
It got so cold so quickly too.
I don't like the cold...
Can you see my face?

There are those noisy girls in the hallway again.
Oh and I barfed on Papa's leg,
he wasn't so happy with me.
Mama thought it was hilarious though.

On a different note, Uncle Andy and Auntie Angela's
dog, Kunou, has been a bit sick lately. He was
throwing up and had some diarrhea and he got
really skinny and wouldn't eat. After an X-ray
and an ultrasound, turns out that his tummy has
a bit of a thicker lining leading into his small
intestine. That thicker lining blocks his intestines
from absorbing the nutrients from his food. So
he's going to be getting some canned food (yum!)
from now on and no more cookies!!
I'm happy he's ok, thank you for taking such
good care of Kunou Uncle Andy and Auntie Angela!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I Need My Beauty Sleep

Yesterday Auntie Trish celebrated her achievement
of becoming a Master of Chemistry! Congrats!!
Mama and Papa went to celebrate with her
by singing some karaoke (Papa's very good!).
But they came home kind of late
and woke me up while I was sleeping.
I need my beauty rest you know.

And then the fire alarm went off at 5am!
What the heck is going on? Can't a bulldog just get
some well deserved sleep? Sheesh.
I think Mama and Papa are hungover this morning,
that's karma for waking me up!

Mama and Papa also saw Uncle Mel last night.
I miss Uncle Mel, we need to set up a play date soon.
I saw Uncle Brian a few nights ago, and I miss him already too.
Don't get me wrong, hanging out with my parents
is fun, but you can only take so much before you
start getting bored. I need to see my friends more often!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stupid People Live in My Building

I went to bed at around 1:30am after watching the Red Sox
clobber the Rockies. Did you see Daisuke hit that ball in the third
inning that allowed the Red Sox to score 2 runs?
Daisuke san, anata wa sugoi desu!

I woke up at 4am to the sound of girls
in the hallway outside the apartment.
They wanted to be let into the apartment across the hall.
They were talking SO loud!
They were banging on the door so loudly,
and tried to rip the handle off the door!
Geez, you'd figure that if someone didn't answer the door,
even after all that ruckus, that maybe NO ONE IS HOME!
Or that they don't want you in their home.

Anyway Mama got so mad that she almost told them off,
but Papa held her back, saying that it was just
stupid drunk girls and they won't come back.
After 10 minutes of trying to break into the apartment,
the stupid drunk girls finally left. Too bad none of us
were able to get back to sleep.
Must be remnants of full moon madness.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Full Moon Madness

There is something strange in the air these past few days.
I think it has something to do with the full moon,
and maybe that Halloween is around the corner.
I've run into weird people in my building who scream
at me when I walk out of the elevator - ok maybe
I might have charged out, but I really had to pee; and
then the weirdo guy on my floor that said I wasn't a regular dog.
And then there was today, Mama and Papa went to the vets
to pick up my potassium citrate pills, only to be
frustrated because the incompetent girls working at the desk
couldn't find the pills and said that they may have
been given to someone else. Why would they do that?
I thought I liked going to the vets, now I am thinking twice.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Go Daisuke!

I'm watching game 7 of the Boston Red Sox
and Cleveland Indians series.
It's been a very exciting series,
have you been tuning in?

I'm cheering for my favourite pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka.
Daisuke is Mama's favourite pitcher too.
Papa has a t-shirt of Daisuke's, but he won't
let me wear it. Papa is afraid that I'll
stretch it out. Papa is also calling each and
every one of the pitches, and you know what,
he's been getting them right too!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

There's a new T&T Grocery store near downtown Toronto.
Mama and Papa found this watermelon there.
I know it looks huge in comparison to me.

But the watermelon is actually quite little.

I tried carrying it away, but it ended up being too big after all.

I'm sending well wishes to all of my
Canadian friends at home and away,
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving
with your family and friends!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hiking in Algonquin

We were supposed to go camping again with Uncle Brian,
but Mama and Papa had too much work to do
and couldn't afford the whole weekend for fun.
So we went hiking in Algonquin Park on Saturday instead.

The fall colours are making an appearance already.
Can you even see me? I'm camoflauged!
There were SO many tourists, they were really loud
and quite obnoxious really. Mama and Papa were
feeling a little bit clusterphobic from the hordes of people.

The first hike we did was a really short 0.8km loop,
it was called Hardwood Lookout and it was really
scenic. So braving the crowds paid off for this reward.

All the nature smells were great!
We eventually went back to the Highlands Trail
that we hiked on the first time we came to
Algonquin Park to go camping.
It was a lot less busy, but not as pretty in terms of foliage.

I met this dog, she was going portaging with her family.
She was really friendly! And very brave,
she crossed the broken bridge all by herself!

The bridge is used to cross this small river.
It was all broken and in the middle of being fixed.
We managed to get to the middle of it
before Papa made the bridge crack loudly
with his foot in the wrong place.

I was so scared, and I didn't feel safe at all.
I couldn't wait to get back to solid ground!

We also ended up going a bit further than last time.
We saw this nice little pond. Maybe a
dinosaur lives inside it.

I was just minding my own business, sniffing the flowers
when I got stung by a bee. I must have made it angry,
because all of a sudden this bee was in my face.
I tried to run away, but it kept poking me.
Papa grabbed me and then Mama pulled out the stinger
from my right cheek. Good thing I wasn't allergic to bee stings!

We took a small break on the way back to the car.
I was so tired. I was hungry, thirsty, and
not really in the mood to play after that stupid
bee stung me. Mama and Papa were so
proud of me that I kept up hiking with them for
almost 3 hours! I'm proud of me too.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My First Camping Trip Day 3

Thank goodness TIFF is over for another year.
Now I can post more frequently since Mama and Papa
aren't hunting for C-list celebrities and I can get on the
computer to show you my pictures.
Mama got me this lifejacket just for camping.
But we didn't get a chance to try it out.
But I look good right?

On the last day I was a little bit anxious to leave
because I needed to go home and have a bath.
I was really smelly!
But the van wouldn't start because the battery was dead!

Eventually the guys got the van to start,
and we headed towards this hiking trail.
Look at me jumping off the ground
to try and catch the stick that Papa was going to throw!
I'm so athletic!

Somehow the hiking trail was uphill both ways.
I had a lot of fun camping with some of my
favourite people. Thank you!
I can't wait for next time!
Oh by the way, Happy Belated Birthday Uncle Brian.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

My First Camping Trip Day 2

I know it's been a while from my camping Day 1 post,
Mama and Papa have been busy TIFFing
so I never get a chance to get on the computer.
But anyway here are my Day 2 pics from camping.

We brought so much stuff camping, but we
forgot to put some of it away at bed time. It was a good thing
that no one (especially the bears!) took any of our food.

Bear and I had a great time camping!
Sleeping in a tent was fun!

I was taking a nap in my tent when I heard a noise outside.
Turned out to be a chipmunk that
was stealing kibble from my dish.

I even helped out with the cooking.
Ok maybe I didn't really help out,
but I was willing to be quality control.
Unfortunately Uncle Brian saw through
my greediness and said no.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My First Camping Trip Day 1

I went camping for the first time over
the long September weekend.
I was there with 7 of my favourite people: Mama, Papa,
Uncle Brian, Thomas Ojichan, Auntie Ada,
Auntie Trish, and Uncle Dan.
I stole this corn on the cob from the grocery bag,
and no one suspected it was missing!
Until I threw it up - twice.

Uncle Brian and I bonded over deep
conversations about the meaning life.

Sitting by the fire was nice,
especially since it was so chilly!
I even got my own chair.

It got so dark outside that Mama had
to put a bicycle light on me so that I don't get lost.

Friday, August 31, 2007

How To Freak Out Your Parents

I really gave Mama and Papa a scare yesterday when I peed out some blood. Mama spotted it first in the morning, she said it looked a bit weird and crimson coloured. When she told Papa, he didn't believe her. So I had to pee for him again at lunch time. This time my pee was definitely red and I even made some blood clots too! You should have seen Papa's face!!! He was freaked out!

Turns out, I was passing stones. I'm ok now. Not so much bloody pee anymore.

Oh I'm going camping this weekend with my favourite people! And I even got a life jacket just for this trip. I'm so excited to test it out! I'll let you know how that goes when I get back! Have a great long weekend (last one of summer)!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Prince Charming?

Mama just got back from a conference in Boston.
I missed her very much! But I got to spend the
whole week with Papa, yay! Mama got me a present
from the conference: a green frog!

His name is Julabo.
I think he's my Prince Charming in disguise.

Oh no I pushed him off the top of the Brita!

I was disappointed that no matter how
long I kissed Julabo for, he wouldn't
turn into a prince.

Did You Miss Me?

This summer vacation was good for me,
I think I really needed the time off.
On my vacation Papa took me to Sunnybrook Park,
we had so much fun!

Did I tell you that on my vacation I had
to have a procedure called hydropulsion?
Because of my sandy bladder, the doctor
had to remove the stones by flushing them out
using saline and then pushing on my tummy
to force out the stones. Don't worry it didn't hurt,
because I slept through the whole thing.

I'm also on a supplement called Allopurinol now.
It's normally used in people to treat gout.
We're hoping that this new medicine will
help with the prevention of more urate stones forming.

Papa where are you going?

Hey come back!

I had a pretty good vacation, other than
the bladder flushing. Lots of rest and relaxation.

I hope you didn't miss me too much!
But I did miss you, I'm glad to be back now!