First things first, Happy Holidays!! My most sincere apologies to all my loyal fans who tune into my blog all the time, I haven't been updating for a little while because of the crazy things that happened in December. Let me give you the 411 on what I've been up to this last month:

I've been to see the veterinarians a lot. My eyes are much better now, we just need to make sure they stay that way. My bladder is a different story though. Although the pH of my pee is now 7 (that's a good value), and there are no more urate crystals in it, there is however, blood. Dr. Surette said that blood in my pee means there are probably more crystals in my bladder and the only way we'll find out is to do an ultrasound.
When I had the ultrasound, they had to shave my tummy and put this cold gooey gel on my tummy and they looked around with a probey thing. On the ultrasound image, the ultrasound technician saw three crystals in my bladder and some more in my kidneys. The crystals in my bladder are irritating the lining, and that's what's causing the blood in my pee. So the only option now is to do surgery to remove the bladder crystals. I'm scheduled to go in the first week of January. I'm a bit scared, but maybe not as scared as Mama.
She's always freaking out.

We moved from our little one bedroom apartment to another little one bedroom apartment down the street! I was nervous that Papa was going to pack me away in a little box all by myself. All of my favourite people came to help Mama and Papa move: Uncle Brian, Thomas Ojichan, Auntie Trish, and Uncle Edmond!! It was so much fun to play with them all day long! I didn't realize how many toys I had until I saw the box that contained them! And guess what, there's another Bulldog in the new building too! Her name is Greta and she's only a baby, 16 months old!!

I took a break from unpacking to unstuff my bear's head.

My bear's brains are all fluffy and not good to eat.

I'm going to visit with Uncle Brian and his family over the Christmas holidays. I'm really looking forward to it, because I haven't seen his family since the summer time and I really miss them! I'll do my best to be a good girl so Santa will bring me lots of goodies.
You be good too!