We were supposed to go camping again with Uncle Brian,
but Mama and Papa had too much work to do
and couldn't afford the whole weekend for fun.
So we went hiking in Algonquin Park on Saturday instead.

The fall colours are making an appearance already.
Can you even see me? I'm camoflauged!
There were SO many tourists, they were really loud
and quite obnoxious really. Mama and Papa were
feeling a little bit clusterphobic from the hordes of people.

The first hike we did was a really short 0.8km loop,
it was called Hardwood Lookout and it was really
scenic. So braving the crowds paid off for this reward.

All the nature smells were great!
We eventually went back to the
Highlands Trailthat we hiked on the first time we came to
Algonquin Park to go camping.
It was a lot less busy, but not as pretty in terms of foliage.

I met this dog, she was going portaging with her family.
She was really friendly! And very brave,
she crossed the broken bridge all by herself!

The bridge is used to cross this small river.
It was all broken and in the middle of being fixed.
We managed to get to the middle of it
before Papa made the bridge crack loudly
with his foot in the wrong place.

I was so scared, and I didn't feel safe at all.
I couldn't wait to get back to solid ground!

We also ended up going a bit further than last time.
We saw this nice little pond. Maybe a
dinosaur lives inside it.

I was just minding my own business, sniffing the flowers
when I got stung by a bee. I must have made it angry,
because all of a sudden this bee was in my face.
I tried to run away, but it kept poking me.
Papa grabbed me and then Mama pulled out the stinger
from my right cheek. Good thing I wasn't allergic to bee stings!

We took a small break on the way back to the car.
I was so tired. I was hungry, thirsty, and
not really in the mood to play after that stupid
bee stung me. Mama and Papa were so
proud of me that I kept up hiking with them for
almost 3 hours! I'm proud of me too.