Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Weekend

I had the luck of the Irish this weekend
and got to spend it with Uncle Brian's family.
Mama, Papa, Uncles Brian and Mel
went snowboarding with their friends,
and I got to spend time with Mr. and Mrs. M. and Uncle Adrian.
I even got to sleep over too! I always have so much fun with them.
They're my home away from home!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

It Smells Like Spring Time

Daylight savings time came 3 weeks earlier this year.
Did you remember to change your clocks last night?
I am so tired after losing that extra hour of beauty sleep.
I like that it's bright and sunny outside this weekend.
Papa got some melon from the market,
and Mama is teasing me with it from behind the glass door.

She thinks this is hilarious.
I think it's so cruel.
But she did end up giving me a bite to eat.
I can't wait until summer time when all kinds of fruit are in season!