I went to bed at around 1:30am after watching the Red Sox
clobber the Rockies. Did you see Daisuke hit that ball in the third
inning that allowed the Red Sox to score 2 runs?
Daisuke san, anata wa sugoi desu!
I woke up at 4am to the sound of girls
in the hallway outside the apartment.
They wanted to be let into the apartment across the hall.
They were talking SO loud!
They were banging on the door so loudly,
and tried to rip the handle off the door!
Geez, you'd figure that if someone didn't answer the door,
even after all that ruckus, that maybe NO ONE IS HOME!
Or that they don't want you in their home.
Anyway Mama got so mad that she almost told them off,
but Papa held her back, saying that it was just
stupid drunk girls and they won't come back.
After 10 minutes of trying to break into the apartment,
the stupid drunk girls finally left. Too bad none of us
were able to get back to sleep.
Must be remnants of full moon madness.