and the air con is on now. Problem is,
it's friggin cold outside still. So that means it's
friggin cold inside too. Not to mention
there seems to be cold air con air blowing
at maximum outside in the hallways,
which leaks into the apartment from the
vents and under the door.
I guess I'm lucky, I have a permanent fur coat
to keep me warm. Mama is always wearing two
t-shirts, a sweater, sweatpants, socks and slippers,
a toque on her head and a big scarf around her shoulders.
She's even resorted to turning on the oven just
to warm up the apartment. Not very green I must admit.
We could tell the building manager, but he seems like a
bit of an a$$hole. He gives us snarky eyes every time
we see him. Maybe he doesn't like dogs?
Or maybe he's just an a$$hole.
What are your tips for a chilly interior?