Mama walking around upstairs. I think she was
chatting on MSN with Papa in Japan.
Hi Papa!! I miss you! Hope you are well!
Mama took Kunou and I out for a long walk.
This time around, I got to share my space with my buddy.
walking around outside, sniffing the grass.
Look at him smiling!!
right hand corner of the pic is a fly.
Great timing hey? Too bad it's so blurry!
There's a house on our route where little kids live.
They have a huge ball, like really HUGE!
I wanted to play too, but Mama wasn't going to let me.
I pulled and pulled and pulled, but it didn't work.
My leash line was getting shorter and shorter and shorter,
because Mama was wrapping it around her hand.

Mama's hand from my pulling. I'm sorry Mama!!
On a side note, I'm sending our Canadian Olympic Team
some well deserved love. I've been watching them on TV
and even though we haven't won any medals,
our athletes are trying very hard!
So keep up the good work Canada!