Me and Papa took a walk to Mama's lab tonight to pick her up from work. She works so late sometimes, I wonder if she's really doing any work at all. I saw an Asian girl on our walk and I thought it was Mama. I was so excited and pulled towards her, but then she walked by and ignored me! It was just some strange Asian girl. But they really do all look the same to me. It was a long walk to the lab and then back home right away. At least it wasn't too cold, Papa made me wear my hoodie, I love my hoodie. I'm so tired now, I can barely keep my eyes open.
Hi, Aiko. You did good job!! I think that it is dengerous that your mama going back home alone at late time. Your mam must be glad when she saw you infront of the lab. It was funny and cute that you made a mistake between your mam and stranger. haha
Konnichiwa Takeo Ojichan!!! Ogenki desuka? Mata aitaidesu. Itsu kaette korarerunodeshouka? Kibou o motte!
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