I've been on a bit of a hiatus from blogging this week. My schedule has been overbooked with meetings with my people and signing autographs for my legions of fans. Actually, I peed in the house and Mama and Papa took away my internet privileges for a few days. But now I am back and I have lots to report!
It's Day 8 of the Torino games. And Canada had a really good Thursday and Friday. Golds, silvers, and bronzes to be had in all sorts of events! Congrats to all of the competitors! Unfortunately, Saturday is not turning out to be such a good day - Team Canada lost to Team Switzerland in men's hockey. Can you believe that? I think the official was biased and he screwed over the Canadians. Where do they find these officials?
Obaachan and Ojiichan have come to visit from Japan for the day. They were in Chile earlier in the week, and now they are back in Toronto for one day before they go home to Japan. I love it when Obaachan comes to visit, she brings presents for Mama and Papa and they always smell so nice, a distinct Asian aroma. I can't eat any of the presents, Mama says they have too many preservatives or they aren't particularly good for puppies. It doesn't matter to me though, I just like to roll around in the paper that wraps up all of the presents. Papa has gone with Obaachan and Ojiichan to eat lobster for dinner tonight, I hope he brings me back one! Lobster is good stuff!
1 comment:
Hi Aiko
Good to see you back from your temporary hiatus. Too bad you couldn't eat the presents from Japan. Did you get to eat any lobster after all?
Miss Aoi Obi (formerly Miss Midori Obi)
p.s. Say hello to your Mama and Papa for me. Tell them I had my JET interview today and it went good (I think)!
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