Should have been me. But I didn't know about this contest before so I couldn't enter it. It's the annual beautiful bulldog competition for a Drake mascot held in Des Moines, Iowa, which starts the Drake Relays. So the winner is a white bully named Hannah. She wore a Drake's cheerleader outfit and beat out a boy bully named Porterhouse (great name!) who was dressed as a construction worker.
Mama and Papa saw a Winnie the Pooh outfit on another dog and they are now looking for the same outfit for me. I'd look super cute in a Winnie the Pooh outfit. So if you've spotted one, please let me know! Every year Mama says she's going to make me a Halloween costume, and every year she doesn't. Maybe if I bug her to start now, she will have an outfit for me by the time Halloween rolls around.
If you're interested in seeing this Hannah winner, check out the news page she was on: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/25/AR2006042501189.html
- but frankly I think I look better. You can also see the pictures of some of the other contestants at yahoo.com.
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You are America's Next Top Bulldog!
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