that we were supposed to go to.
But Mama and Papa had tickets to the
Raptors first playoff game instead.
So we went to the one this weekend.
It's been a long time since I've hung out with other dogs.

when they saw me coming for it.
The balloon floated away and I started running for it.
I could hear Mama and Papa calling for me,
but their voices got quieter the further I ran.
She kept following me around, like she wanted to start something.
If Papa had let go of my leash, I might have let her have a try.
after running for that balloon.
I saw Rodeo go for a drink in the
blue dish that I wanted to chew on.
I got a bit overprotective, charged at him, and bit him on his face.
I got into big trouble and Mama and Papa
scolded me in front of everyone.
Mama was so embarrassed and quickly went
over to see if the puppy was okay.
I think I may have hurt his eye, but his Mama said it was fine.
I feel bad now. I'm sorry Rodeo. I hope we can still be friends.