Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday Walking

I wasn't sure if today was Saturday or just a special day,
because Mama and Papa left for school early this morning,
but then they came home before the sun set.
That's so unusual.

Turns out today is a holiday, Good Friday, to be exact.
And this is Easter Weekend.
I'm not sure how chocolate bunnies fit in with Jesus,
but I can't eat them anyways so it doesn't really matter.

This is me and Papa going through the revolving doors
at the Manulife Centre. I don't like them,
I always feel like I'm trapped.

It's still pretty cold outside, even though it's April now.
I saw snow on the ground!
Here I am racing home to watch the film adaptation of the
book Papillion by Henri Charriere.

I heard from Papa that Takeo Ojichan attended
his Master of Science graduation ceremony.
Takeo Ojichan omedetou gozaimasu!!
Anata wa sugoku atamaga iidesu!!

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