Thursday, May 24, 2007

Look What I Made

Uncle Andy and Auntie Angela have come to
visit me from Calgary!
I'm so excited to finally meet them!
They play with me all the time and they even take care of me.
Like when I barfed on the floor.

I'm on antibiotics again, there is another infection in my bladder.
The pills made my tummy ill, so I threw up.
I'm still peeing uncontrollably, so I'm stuck
sleeping in the kitchen until this infection clears up.
I hope it's soon, it's so lonely in the kitchen!
(Pictures by Auntie Angela)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

May's Bulldog Meetup

We spent another beautiful afternoon at Riverdale Park!
Unfortunately there weren't too many bulldogs there.
They must have all gone somewhere else for the long weekend.

This is Oscar, he's only 1 years old.
He's new to the meetups.
He tried humping my head.

These guys were playing with each other a lot.
No one wanted to play with me,
because every time they'd come near me,
I'd snap at them. I'm a bad ass.

Do you see the big dog in the middle
doing the head butt with Oscar?
That's Lucy, she's just a baby boxer.
She was really playful with everyone,
except me, because I would snap at her.
I'm a bad ass.

I think I'm just better with people friends,
not so much with dog friends.
But Mama and Papa will continue to try to make
me have dog friends. So I will continue to be an ass
whenever I go to these meetups.
I wonder who will give in first?
I'm pretty stubborn you know.

More From High Park

Here are some more pictures from my walk in
High Park last Saturday.
This is a shaggy beast. He smelled bad.

This time around I was not on the inside of the cage.
It felt good to be free!

I even met some nice kids who were not scared of me!

We walked for so long and so far that I was really thirsty.
Look at my weird tongue. Can you do that?

I was getting a drink when all of a sudden I heard this loud
noise in the bushes. I saw something big and black go flying by!

The big black thing was this black lab.
He was so athletic, he was chasing a ball in the bushes!!

I also met this bully, her name is Finola.
She's 1 years old, and was more interested in
playing ball with her owners than hanging out with me.
Today is the Bulldog Meetup.
We'll be off to Riverdale park soon,
I'll let you know how that goes later!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mama's Day!

Have you wished your Mama a Happy Mother's Day yet?
Yesterday Papa took us to see cherry blossom trees in bloom.

We went to High Park and spent the whole day there!
I love nature, it smells so good.

Lucky for me, the weather was actually quite cool.
I think we walked for about 2 hours straight without taking breaks!

Check out this big tree with the hole in it.
I wonder if anything lives in there?

The ultimate mecca of sticks!

I needed to figure out how to haul this home.

This is Grenadier Pond.
There are fish and other water birds that live in it.
That duck was giving me the evil eye.
If I could swim I would've given him the chase of his life.

Look what I saw, a dead fish with no eyes.
It was surprisingly quite big.
You probably wouldn't be able to eat it,
unless you wanted to get worms in your belly.

It was such a great day that I had to high five Papa
for his wonderful idea of going to look at cherry blossom trees.
We ended up seeing so much more than I expected!
And don't forget to high five your Mom today for all
her hard work and unconditional love she gives you.
I love you Mama!