Have you wished your Mama a Happy Mother's Day yet?
Yesterday Papa took us to see cherry blossom trees in bloom.

We went to High Park and spent the whole day there!
I love nature, it smells so good.

Lucky for me, the weather was actually quite cool.
I think we walked for about 2 hours straight without taking breaks!

Check out this big tree with the hole in it.
I wonder if anything lives in there?

The ultimate mecca of sticks!

I needed to figure out how to haul this home.

This is Grenadier Pond.
There are fish and other water birds that live in it.
That duck was giving me the evil eye.
If I could swim I would've given him the chase of his life.

Look what I saw, a dead fish with no eyes.
It was surprisingly quite big.
You probably wouldn't be able to eat it,
unless you wanted to get worms in your belly.

It was such a great day that I had to high five Papa
for his wonderful idea of going to look at cherry blossom trees.
We ended up seeing so much more than I expected!
And don't forget to high five your Mom today for all
her hard work and unconditional love she gives you.
I love you Mama!
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