Around 12am this morning the fire alarm went off in the building. I was sleeping so soundly that I slept right through it. Until the security guy spoke into the speaker and said that the alarm was triggered on the 11th floor (we're on the 9th). But the fire department came and they fixed the problem after 20 minutes and all was quiet again.
This morning around 7am, the fire alarm goes off again! This time it rings for a good 30 minutes before security gets on the speaker. When he finally does, he says there's a small fire in some room on the 11th floor (we're on the 9th!!) and that we shouldn't panic and we should stay in our apartments. Papa heads off to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and Mama asks me if I smell something. I did smell something, I could smell smoke! Papa couldn't smell it because his nose is clogged up (get well soon!). We turned on the tv to watch the building's security cameras and there were lots of people standing outside of the lobby with their winter coats over their jammies. Uh oh, should we go too? The smoke smell was getting stronger!
Anyway, eventually the alarm turned off and we decided to go back to bed. Until 2 hours later when security got back on the speaker and said that the elevators are not working and we should take the stairs to get in and out of the building (we're on the 9th floor!). Lucky for me that when it came to potty time, one elevator was working and we made it downstairs lickety-split. Too bad when we came back inside there was a huge line up to go upstairs on the elevator. Not so lucky for Papa who had to carry me half way up to the 9th floor (I have bad hips you know) via the stairs. I did him a favour and climbed the rest of the way up from the 5th floor. It's the most exercise we've gotten in a long time!
While I was outside doing my business, the fire department showed up again. Apparently there was a small fire in the garbage chute. Coincidence or conspiracy?
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