Saturday, March 29, 2008

Did you participate in Earth Hour?

Mama and I just spent an hour in the dark hanging out,
looking at the stars (see the Big Dipper?),
and reducing our carbon foot print.
Did you turn out the lights for Earth Hour?
I know some people think that turning out your lights
for just one hour on just one day is a bit of a gimmick.
But if we could all do a little more everyday,
we may be able to make a reverse impact on our
contribution to global warming.

Ok I kind of fibbed a bit, Mama and I didn't go star gazing,
it's still way too cold in Toronto! It's from the meteor shower
from last August. And I wasn't allowed to go either.

Papa, we miss you. We hope you had a safe flight home.
I hope you can come back to see me.

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