Papa and Mama took me on a walk through Yorkville today. And look who I saw there, a bully made of ice! It looks just like me! I bet she was cold, it was -15C with wind chill. I was cold too. My paws kept getting icy, and they hurt so much with all of the salt on the streets. I was hoping that Papa would carry me home, but I don't think he was up for it. It's a good thing that we could walk almost all the way home inside the shopping centres.
Today is also the last day of the Torino Winter Olympics. I am so pleased that Canada brought home 24 medals in total, we've come a long way! I think Canada will do even better next time when we host in Vancouver.
I'm pretty pooped out now from my long walk in the snow. I'll post more pictures of my Yorkville tour with ice sculptures tomorrow.
hi Aiko
Ha ha, you're better looking than the sculpture though. I think the sculpture exaggerated some facial features.
Too bad you couldn't go snowboarding with your Mom & Dad yesterday. It was so much fun! Except for the snow storm when we had to drive back home.
So sad that the Olympics have ended. But so exciting that it'll be in Vancouver next!
Miss Aoi Obi
Konnichiwa Miss Aoi Obi,
I'm sad to see the Olympics end too, but I have a feeling that Vancouver 2010 is going to be such a good time! I think snowboarding with Mama and Papa would be fun too, but I am scared of going fast! I'm glad everyone got home safe afterwards!
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