A new person moved in next door. Papa and I met her when we were going out for a walk (in the rain ~ boo!), she seems really nice. She told Papa that she's going to be getting a new puppy when she gets settled in. I'm so excited! I hope it will be a nice puppy, one that is robust and won't break easily when I try to wrestle with it. I hope we can be good friends too.
Mama and Papa are thinking about sending me to doggie daycare for a day or two each week. They think it will help me be more outgoing with other dogs and get me out of my little depression funk. Since Papa has been working at home, I've missed my usual routine of sleeping and hanging out in my crate by myself. I think that if Papa is home all the time, he should be playing with me instead of sitting at his computer. But he works so hard, and I feel lonely when he's concentrating. Mama is also at work lots too, so I don't get to see her much. I feel a bit lonesome these days and maybe this doggie daycare will do me some good. I'm not always up for a change, but if it means I get to run around with other pups, I think I will give it a shot! I'll let you know how it goes. I'll probably be going in a couple of weeks when Mama and Papa have done more research to find a good daycare for me. Wish me luck!