This is my new bed. Papa got it for me from Chinatown on Saturday. And although I am not fond of new things, like new situations, new people, and new furniture, I have come to love my new bed. Of course, I'm a bit skittish, and I wasn't so sure that I wanted to sleep in this thing, so I got kinda scared when Papa put me inside of it. I don't like being scared, and tried to avoid it for most part of the evening.
Well to make a long story short, it was near bed time and Papa really wanted me to sleep in my bed. I decided the only way I'd get used it was if it smelled more like me, and less like Chinatown, so I peed in it. Naturally Mama and Papa freaked out. They were mad that even though they had put my favourite blanket inside, I still peed in my new bed. But the peeing worked, because the bed did end up smelling more like me and less like Chinatown. So now I love sleeping in my new bed.
Today I went for a walk to Papa's lab. It smells funny in there. Papa says it's because there are people who work very hard, and don't go home to have a bath often enough. I wonder how long they work for, because the smells are always different in that lab. I suppose I should work harder too, in order to justify my smell.
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