It's that time of the month again: Bulldog Meetup Day! This time it was held indoors at
Petopia where there is lots of air conditioning. Because if you know anything about bullies, you know we need that air con more than you do!

Here I am meeting some bullies for the second time. The brindle girl with the pink collar is Ruby, and she's a show girl! I don't remember the name of the white bully in the back, but we didn't really get on that well. The brown and white one in the front is Brioche, and we didn't get on so well either. I must admit, I am a toy hog and I can get quite aggressive with my toys. So when I don't share, I usually get into fights. Nobody wins because we end up getting pulled off each other by our parents.

Here is a picture of my war wounds, I bit my tongue. Or maybe someone else bit my tongue. Papa made me take a time out.

This guy looks scared of me, but I was really nice to him.
He's just a baby.

I don't know who this little girl is, but she was very fond of Mama. She kept coming over to Mama and putting her head on Mama's lap.
Maybe she could smell the lung treats that were hiding in Mama's pockets?

This orange ball with legs was very squeaky. It was the source of the two fights I got into, and caused other fights with some of the other bullies. Everyone wanted to play with it!

It's a game of tag!

How many bullies can you see?
Shortly after this pic, I got into my second fight. My face was bleeding quite a bit, but Mama washed it clean. I had to take another time out.

See? All better.

this beautiful face from Woofstock?

Lots of puppies playing too!

Even though there was air conditioning, it was very hot and I was very thirsty.

This is Daisy, she's a toy hog too! But maybe not as bad as me, because she'll play tug with other dogs, and I don't. Check out her stylish pink toes!

I am guarding my tug toy, no one else can have it.

It's come to my attention that I have some behavioural issues that need to be addressed. Mama and Papa have agreed that I need to do more socializing. I suppose that means I need to find some dog friends. I don't know about you, but dogs smell funny. People are so much better to hang out with! But I'll try my best to be a good girl with other doggies. It'll be hard to break bad habits!
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