So I went to the vets today and saw Dr. Vihos (she's on the tv show Animal Housecalls on the CP24 channel sometimes). My left eye looks funny, it's all red and kind of goopy. Dr. Vihos used this little paper strip test called Schirmer's Tear Test to see if my eyes were producing enough tears. My right eye produces enough tears, but the left one is not as wet. Dr. Vihos thinks that I might have an infection and gave Mama some eye drops for me. At least it's not cherry eye, which is what Mama thought it was in the first place!! I have to go back to see Dr. Vihos in ten days to see if the eye has cleared up. I hope it does, I don't like this goopy stuff that comes out of my eye.
Voted! Nice picture. Love the party hat haha
voted :) I miss aiko
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