It must be the weather or something. I'm just laying around and doing nothing. I'm not really feeling ambitious these days, so the posts are not as frequent as they should be. I'm sorry for making you wait.
I'm scheduled to go back to the vets for my annual checkup and get some vaccinations. I'm due for my rabies shot and that one hurts like mad. Mama has to bring in a poo sample too, so the technicians can see if they can find nasties like worms. I don't think you realize just how smelly my poo is, and I feel sorry for Mama having to carry that all the way to the vets - but not really! Ha ha!
Finally I'd like to send some well wishes to my Auntie Frances who went back to Vancouver earlier this week. I'll miss you! Good luck with everything, and I hope you come back to visit me in the future!!
Thank you for a link.
I am very glad.
By the way, as for you, Japanese speech is good performance.
However, I am poor at English, and I'm sorry.
English Bulldog Aikochan
With an injection of rabies
By inspection of shit
Did you go to a hospital?
You chew a branch cheerfully!
Aiko's Mom,
Watashi no Papa wa nihonjin desu. Itsumo nihongo wo oshiete moratte masu. Anata no eigo wa jouzu desu.
Mata asobi ni kitekudasai!
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