So I'm out having my morning walk, doing my morning routine. I just finished peeing on the usual spot, and was sniffing around the usual tree to get ready to have a poo. When all of a sudden, this unleashed little white dog with dyed blue and green ears and tail comes running over and barks in my face! I'm trying to take a dump in peace and he ruins my concentration!
Anyway, he barks and stares and wags his tail nervously. I just stare at him while Mama is saying soothing things in my ear thinking I'd eat him if he got any closer. I just wanted to see what he was all about, in a friendly way. But as soon as I tried to go over, he freaked out! And snarled and barked some more. That was a weird encounter. But the even weirder thing is that there was another dog across the street and he ran over there to do the same thing to the other dog too! So bizarre!! That blue and green eared-tailed monster needs a bell around his neck to warn other dogs of his arrival. Needless to say I didn't get to poo, and now I feel all stuffed up and grumpy.
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