Saturday, September 27, 2008

Welcome Autumn

The leaves have already started to change colour
and some have even fallen off the trees too.
It's just the beginning of Autumn in Calgary,
and already I'm chilled to the bones.
Hey Kunou, whatcha looking at?

Mama is leaving on Sept 30 for Japan.
I'm happy that she'll be reunited with Papa,
but I'm sad that she has to leave me behind.
I know Uncle Andy and Auntie Ang will take good
care of me. Kunou will keep me company during
all my lonely days. Uncle Al and Gramma will come
over and play. So even though I will miss Mama a lot,
she leaves me in very capable hands.

I know I'll be okay when she goes.
I hope she'll be okay too.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Howling in the Night

Kunou has this weird little habit:
he howls in the night during bed time.
The little guy is sleeping, and all of a sudden
he wakes himself up in a loud, eery howl.

It starts off quiet, and begins to build up, until
it reaches a fever pitch. And he goes on for a good
minute, just howling, like a ghost on speed!
I think he's dreaming, or having a nightmare!
It used to freak me out, and I would bark at him
to stop, but now I just sleep through it
because my barking doesn't stop him from howling.

I guess that explains why he's so well
rested during the day, and I am dead tired.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Presents for Moi

Mama is leaving for Japan soon, so she bought me
a gift to remind me of her when she goes.
It's a BULLDOG!! Can you see the resemblance?

I couldn't put it down for the first few days.
I love biting it in the jugular and the crotch.
My favourite is trying to chew its nose off.

It makes for a pretty good pillow too!

Auntie Ang got Kunou a white mouse,
because Kunou thinks he's really a cat.

The mouse looks eerily real, don't it?

On a side note, I wanted to say congrats to Uncle Brian,
who's defending his PhD today. I know he killed it,
so I guess I should call him Dr. Uncle Brian from now on?
What a tongue twister!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Happy Saturday!

We went to the new vets today for a full checkup
and some annual vaccinations. I wasn't so sure about the new vets,
because I'm so used to the old ones, but these guys were great!
Dr. McCurdy at the Harvest Hills Vet Clinic
thought I was a good and cute dog,
I think he's a pretty good doctor.
I got some new hardware to put on my collar
with my rabies shot this year too.
Interestingly, my full physical didn't include a pee or poo sample,
any blood work, or them taking my temperature.
Is that normal here in Calgary?

As a reward for being such good dogs at the vets,
Kunou and I got to run outside!
Look at him trying to keep up with me.
Actually, Kunou can out run me any day.
I'm a bit of a fatty - 24.2 kg to be exact!
And you know, I've actually lost weight
since the beginning of summer too.

I hope you have a great weekend!
Try to relax and take it easy, I will be!!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! And a short work week too!
Mama and I have been watching a lot of TV these days
in High Def, which if you don't have, you should get!
We love the National Geographic channel, and we
absolutely love The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan!
He's a really talented and gifted dog psychologist
and he's got great tips on how to deal with behavioral
issues, like aggression (guilty!!).
Check out his blog that I've linked to.

Since tuning into The Dog Whisperer show,
both Kunou and I have been better behaved.
Mama's been working to make us more balanced.
We sometimes forget our lessons,
but I'm sure it will stick in time with more practice.

I think Kunou struggles a little harder than I do
during the lessons. He doesn't always listen...

unless there is a treat involved.

We are going for long walks around the neighbourhood
everyday in the afternoon with Mama. She likes it
when we are tired and sleepy at home.
I agree, a tired dog is a happy dog, calm and submissive!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Labour Day

Hope you are having a great long weekend
wherever you are! And now that it's September
a lot of changes are happening:
- end of summer and beginning of chilly autumn
- new job for Auntie Ang (congrats!)
- new PhD beginnings for Auntie Trish (good luck!)
- PhD endings for Uncle Brian (good luck!)
- school endings for Auntie CET (good luck!)
- Happy birthdays for end of August and September babies too

and the one that makes me the most sad:
- one more month for me and Momma before she leaves for Japan

I won't lie to you, this is a picture of me and Kunou from
a couple weeks ago. It was nice and warm outside.
It's gotten really cold here in Calgary the last week,
and the high today is 11C. Can you believe that?
I think I saw frost this morning on the grass during my walk.