Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Labour Day

Hope you are having a great long weekend
wherever you are! And now that it's September
a lot of changes are happening:
- end of summer and beginning of chilly autumn
- new job for Auntie Ang (congrats!)
- new PhD beginnings for Auntie Trish (good luck!)
- PhD endings for Uncle Brian (good luck!)
- school endings for Auntie CET (good luck!)
- Happy birthdays for end of August and September babies too

and the one that makes me the most sad:
- one more month for me and Momma before she leaves for Japan

I won't lie to you, this is a picture of me and Kunou from
a couple weeks ago. It was nice and warm outside.
It's gotten really cold here in Calgary the last week,
and the high today is 11C. Can you believe that?
I think I saw frost this morning on the grass during my walk.

1 comment:

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

school beginnings and endings for me (my last year!).

thanks for the good luck wishes, and glad to read that kunou is on the mend!

miss you,

auntie CET :o)